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Petrol head, Jeremy Clarkson


IS JEZ CLARKSON OUT OF TOUCH - He is entitled to his own view of course, as is President Donald Trump, but we wonder if his TV shows, most of which are based on burning petroleum and diesel fossil fuels, is shaping his outlook on the future of the planet. One thing is for sure. If we were all running around tearing it up in the gas guzzlers Jeremy and his team have been for the last 10 plus years, we doubt if there would much future for our children - given that we are may already have reached a point on non-recovery. Jeremy might want to take a look at China, where 95% of the world's electric vehicles are operating, as inspiration to cure his carcinogenic particulate shows.




JEREMY Clarkson said Greta Thunberg should "shut up" and "go back to school" and that climate change must be tackled through science.

The Brit presenter described the 16-year-old climate change campaigner as "mad and dangerous" while speaking on an Australian morning show.

The 59-year-old was promoting the latest season of his motoring series Grand Tour when he spoke about the Swedish teen.

He said: "She's mad and she's dangerous and she's causing young children sleepless nights with her idiocy.

"No, I think she needs to go back to school and shut up."

Clarkson previously revealed how he had seen the effects of climate change while filming in Cambodia - but wanted the battle to be won through science.

He said: "I don't think I've ever actually seen the effects of global warming.

"When you see those houses on stilts on the show - 40 to 50 feet - and the water is miles away.

"And then you think, 'the water's supposed to be up there this time of year and it's down there'. It's unbelievable.

"So that's a remarkable thing and I know there'll be a load of kids saying, 'ha! You see. There you are!'

"That's fine. Now go to school. Learn science and do something about it."

Greta's school strike has inspired millions of students to take time off school to demand action on climate change.




Greta Thunberg on Twitter





It comes after the Sun columnist warned "every child in the western world is now absolutely terrified" over climate change since Greta started campaigning.

And he said her UN speech offered no solutions, earlier said: "I think she's a weird Swede with a bad temper."

Greta had blasted governments for thinking only of money as she said the world was sleepwalking into a climate catastrophe.

She raged: "People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and the fairy tale of endless economic growth. How dare you!”

The teen’s fiery speech was hailed by millions, with climate change activists taking to the streets in huge protests around the world.

But others were less impressed, including Donald Trump who sarcastically mocked her as a “very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future”.

French President Emmanuel Macron also warned her “radical” climate change stance risks “depressing” an entire generation.




HOW MUCH IS THE EARTH HEATING UP - As of early 2017, the Earth had warmed by roughly 2 degrees Fahrenheit (more than 1 degree Celsius) since 1880, when records began at a global scale. The number may sound low, but as an average over the surface of an entire planet, it is actually high, which explains why much of the world’s land ice is starting to melt and the oceans are rising at an accelerating pace. If greenhouse gas emissions continue unchecked, scientists say, the global warming could ultimately exceed 8 degrees Fahrenheit, which would undermine the planet’s capacity to support a large human population.

Put yourself in the shoes of children today. They see adult politicians and businesses run by adults with children, doing nothing and just watching the ice caps melt, also annihilating thousands of species each year - and wonder what is going to be left for them when they are grown up.


It's all very well someone like Jeremy saying go back to school, but by the time children at school are able to make a difference it will be too late.


Hence, we cannot blame the children of today, for doing what they can right now, and that is making a visible stand, appealing to the morals of those in power who may have gone off the rails as they sell our heritage for profit.






GRETA THUNBERG - is a Swedish climate activist. At the COP24 climate talks in Poland, December 2018, Miss Thunberg addressed the Secretary-General of the United Nations. She received a standing ovation for one of her talks. She is behind the global school strike created to call attention to climate change. She is a rebel. With a cause. Miss Thunberg is 15 and autistic and the newest, youngest and most powerful voice on the world stage demanding the world address global warming.








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