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Fumio Kishida and Joko Widodo working together to decarbonise



DECEMBER 8 2021 - Japanese utility companies have partnered with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to develop a roadmap to accelerate the decarbonisation of the power sector in Indonesia.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc (TEPCO), JERA, TEPCO Power Grid, and Tokyo Electric Power Services Company (TEPSCO) have agreed to co-conduct the Data Collection Survey on Power Sector in Indonesia for Decarbonisation.

The four companies have established a joint venture to deliver the project from November 2021 through March 2022. The project includes gathering and analysing data on Singapore’s current energy market trends and future outlook.

JICA wants to help Indonesia to achieve its goal of becoming carbon neutral before 2060 as pledged by the government in July 2021 during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Today Indonesia is the largest energy consumer in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), accounting for nearly 40% of ASEAN’s total energy use.

The agency will leverage roadmaps developed by the four companies to help Indonesia reduce its reliance on coal-fired energy generation and retire conventional energy generation. The roadmaps are expected to help Indonesia achieve its target of 23% of its total energy produced from renewables by 2025 and to curb the construction of new coal power plants by 2030.

Although electrification has been steadily growing in Indonesia, energy demand is also increasing, risking the country’s transition to smart energy solutions and decarbonisation, according to the statement.

As such, recommendations set to be provided by the four companies are expected to play a critical role in helping Indonesia to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from power generation whilst ensuring energy security.

TEPCO Power Grid will act as project supervisor and will conduct a study on power development and demand assumptions whilst TEPCO will study energy policies, regulations and financial and economic assumptions for decarbonisation.

TEPCO will be responsible for project administration and operational support.

JERA will act as assistant project supervisor and will conduct studies on low-carbon and decarbonised thermal power solutions.

TEPSCO will study the transmission network and how it can be optimized to transport an increasing amount of renewables.

JICA will leverage the roadmaps developed to assist Indonesia Under the Asia Energy Transition Initiative (“AETI”) announced by the government of Japan in May 2021.

JICA will also work with the four companies to implement the roadmaps they would have developed.

TEPCO Power Grid will provide its experience in building and operating transmission and distribution networks, TEPCO its expertise in institutional and financial aspects, JERA its experience in developing net-zero roadmaps for overseas businesses, and TEPSCO its energy consulting and advanced technical services across Africa and Asia.

The development follows the Indonesian government signing an agreement with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) during the recent COP26 summit in Glasgow, to leverage the agency’s expertise and network to speed up its energy transition.

Commenting on the agreement, Indonesia’s Energy Minister Mr. Arifin Tasrif, said: “Indonesia has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 29% by 2030 and has set a more ambitious target of net-zero emission by 2060 or sooner with international support.

“However, there is a lot to be done domestically in terms of policy, technology, and financial flows. We need support from other countries and international organisations with expertise like IRENA. We look forward to working closely with IRENA to prepare Indonesia’s energy transition.”



In an unusual policy twist Japanese utilities have agreed to work together to help decarbonise Indonesia's electrification, while Japan is still building coal fired stations at home - presumably by way of an insurance policy, where their own hydrogen infrastructure is stymied by the horribly slow pace that the IMO works in adopting climate friendly regulations - such as to ensure LH2 might be tankered in by ship, to replace coal imports.


It seems like one of the most perverse contradictions imaginable on the global warming stage, but one that may also count as mitigation for both countries, in working together, not to build coal electricity stations, and make the same miscalculations as Japan, that might tie Indonesia to fossil fuels for the next 30-40 years. Well done (in advance) to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 


It also means that Indonesia under Joko Widodo, is taking COP26 commitments seriously, in reaching out. Provided that they are able to follow through with greener roadmaps to net zero emissions. Indonesia, is better placed than Japan, to set up wind and solar farms, for example, to support EVs and more.








Climate Nazi Xi Jinping criminal policies Chinese



Chinese President

Xi Jinping



Climate Nazi Joe Biden's American criminal policies



US President

Joe Biden



Ursula von der Leyen, Europe's Nazi climate criminal



EU President

Ursula von der Leyen



Narendra Modi is India's Nazi climate criminal



Indian PM

Narendra Modi



Vladimir Putin is Russian's Climate Change Nazi



Vladimir Putin 

Russian PM



Fumio Kishida is Japan's Nai climate criminal



Japanese PM

Fumio Kishida



Kim Boo-kuym is South Korea's Nazi climate criminal



Kim Boo-kuym

South Korean PM



Mohammed bin Salman is Saudi Arabia's Nazi climate criminal



Mohammed bin Salman

Saudi Arabian Ruler



Justin Trudeau, is Canada's Nazi climate criminal



Justin Trudeau

Canadian PM



Jair Bolsonaro, is Brazil's Nazi climate criminal



Jair Bolsonaro

Brazilian PM



Joko Widodo, is South Korea's Nazi climate criminal



Joko Widodo

Indonesian PM



Australian criminal climate Nazi policies Scott Morrison



Scott Morrison

Australian PM





G20 abusers will say they had no choice. They needed to keep burning coal, gas and oil for their economies - just like the camp guards at the many concentration camps, they were forced into business as usual. In the case of the camp guards, they argued they were just following orders. But that is not true. We all have choices. There are clean alternatives, such as solar and wind power. There is no need to keep building coal fired electricity generating stations, and no need to drive carcinogenic petrol or diesel vehicles that contribute to lung cancer. We have hydrogen fuel cells, electrolyzers and zero emission electric vehicles.


If you are going to increase electricity capacity, it makes sense to invest in renewable energy, unless it is that the fossil fuel giants are lubricating the works with party donations. If that is the case, we say that such contributions should be transparently declared, that the public is informed as to what is guiding policy decisions.


As to logging, provided that 2 trees are planted for every 1 cut down, cutting down forests for timber, as an agricultural activity is sustainable. But clearing forests without replanting, such as to grow food crops, is unsustainable, where economic growth should be circular in nature, not linear. This is what is happening in Brazil with the Amazon. Imports from countries not adhering to the UN's SDGs, should be either banned completely, or (carbon) taxed such as to make it unattractive to investors and importers.




FLOP 26 climate change conference fiasco



Assuming that it takes 6 trees to provide the oxygen for each person on earth to breathe, then with the population likely to rise from 7.7 to 9.7 billion people in the next 30 years, that means we would need to plant an additional 12 billion trees, or 400,000,000 million trees per year - just for people to breath. That is over a million trees a day - or roughly 5,000 trees per country per day. It is possible, but would require significant effort and planning.


The real question is though: would we have enough space on land to plant all those trees, where only 30% of the Earth is land? With competing pressure on land for agriculture, houses and industrial buildings, that is the burning question.


Indonesia is eleventh in the league of dirty countries on CO2 output.




Indonesia has questioned the terms of a Cop26 deal to end deforestation by 2030, days after joining more than 100 countries in signing up to it.

The nations agreed on the multi-billion-dollar plan at the climate conference in Glasgow this week to stop cutting down trees on an industrial scale in under a decade.

But Siti Nurbaya Bakar, the environment minister for the south-east Asian archipelago, which is home to the world’s third-biggest rainforest, said on Wednesday that “forcing Indonesia to zero deforestation in 2030 is clearly inappropriate and unfair”.

She said that there were multiple ways to define deforestation, and that any deal could not halt economic growth. “The massive development of President Jokowi’s era must not stop in the name of carbon emissions or in the name of deforestation,” she said, referring to Joko Widodo by his nickname.

Bakar said Indonesia could not “promise what we can’t do” and that Indonesia’s priority was development, taking the example of forests that needed to be cut down to build new roads. The government has also stated that some forests will need to be cut down for the cultivation of food crops.

“Indonesia’s natural wealth, including forests, must be managed for its use according to sustainable principles, besides being fair,” she said.

Indonesia’s deputy foreign affairs minister, Mahendra Siregar, said that describing the deal as a zero-deforestation pledge was “false and misleading”.

Indonesia is home to the world’s third-largest expanse of tropical forest cover, but rampant deforestation since the 1960s has seen half of the country’s forests cut down by illegal loggers and to make way for commercial plantations such as palm oil.

The country has recently set itself ambitious targets for deforestation, including halving the deforestation rate over the next three decades as well as reforesting 26.2m acres of land by 2050. Last year saw the lowest rate of deforestation in Indonesia since the 1990s, which the government credited to new policies regulating forest clearance.

However, the recent pledges are at odds with development projects approved by the Indonesian government, which will likely see 135.9m acres of forest cut down by 2040.

In the declaration signed by Indonesia and more than 100 countries, leaders committed “to working collectively to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 while delivering sustainable development and promoting an inclusive rural transformation”.

British prime minister Boris Johnson said the agreement was pivotal to the overarching goal of limiting temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius in a bid to slow global warming.

A spokesperson for Johnson said he did not see a contradiction in Indonesia’s statements.

“My understanding of what the Indonesian government has said is that they need to be able to continue legal logging and agriculture to support their economic development,” the spokesperson said.

“It would be consistent with the pledge – what countries have committed to is to end net deforestation, ensuring that any forest lost is replaced sustainably.”

Kiki Taufik, a forests campaigner with Greenpeace in Indonesia, regretted that the environment minister supported “large scale developments which clearly have the potential for environmental destruction”. “If we do not take immediate and substantial action to stop deforestation … we cannot achieve our modest emissions reductions goals,” he said.

Although its rate of deforestation has slowed markedly since 2015, Indonesia’s vast forests are still shrinking.

According to Global Forest Watch, Indonesia in 2001 had 93.8m hectares (230m acres) of primary forest – ancient forests that have largely not been disturbed by human activity – an area about the size of Egypt. By 2020, that area had decreased by about 10%.








Adolf Hitler and chum Heinrich Himmler  [Allegedly, Adolf Hitler did not die in that bunker incident C.1949.  Apparently, he was fired into England, strapped to a V1 rocket, leaving behind his false teeth.  He parachuted into Wealden that night hoping to meet some deviants, who'd arranged a new identity for their fallen comrade.  Apparently, he landed in Crowborough, shaved off his moustache and was mistaken for a council official, whereupon he infiltrated the ranks of the local council and trained them how to use his terror tactics to control the peasant civilians.











Adolf Hitler


Adolf Hitler

German Chancellor


Herman Goring


Herman Goring

Reichsmarschall Luftwaffe


Heinrich Himmler


Heinrich Himmler

Reichsführer Schutzstaffel


Josef Goebbels


Joseph Goebbels

Reich Minister Propaganda


Philipp Bouhler


Philipp Bouhler SS

NSDAP Aktion T4


Josef Mengele


Dr Josef Mengele

Physician Auschwitz


Martin Borman


Martin Borman



Adolf Eichmann


Adolph Eichmann

Holocaust Architect


Erwin Rommel


Erwin Rommel

The Desert Fox


Rudolph Hess


 Rudolf Hess

Auschwitz Commandant


Karl Donitz


Karl Donitz

Submarine Commander


Albert Speer


Albert Speer

Nazi Architect






Nazi Swastika german flag




Countries that thumb their noses at climate change, such as to increase harmful pollution, might have to face criminal prosecution via the International Criminal Court, and the tenets of the Rome Statute of 1998. Whereby it is a criminal offence to cause hurt to another human, from your actions or failure to act to prevent harm.




Execution by shooting unarmed civilians in the head    Children rounded up for slave labour and gassing in concentration camps



Nazi concentration 'death camp' executions




A Nazi war criminal is a person who kills an unarmed human being or gives the order to kill another human being outside the normal rules of engagement in times of war.


In peacetime, a Climate Change Criminal, is a politician, industrialist or other entity that conducts themselves and/or their policies such as to (in effect) murder another human being from starvation or poisoning resulting from action or inaction on their part, and including dumping plastic in the sea to make fish toxic.


This philosophy extends to causing hardship and mental stress (torture), contrary to Articles 2 and 3 of the EU's Human Rights Convention and Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


The Indonesian prime minister, Joko Widodo, is charged with failing to protect life on earth, as crimes against humanity and our ecology.








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