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RED FLAG POLITICS - The IMO appears to be struggling to justify their inaction on acid oceans, rising sea levels and ocean plastic, raising the question as to whether or not they are being lobbied by stakeholders to sit on their hands and allow the situation to continue to harm the planet, for profit, at the expense of other nations and species.
a letter from Kitack Lim to the European Union
in December 2017 the secretary
general of the International Maritime Organization hit out at EU plans to reduce shipping emissions.
Strange you may think. Where a solution is a solution, but
only if it is tested!
In a letter to Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission and Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, Lim acknowledged that the EU had an ambitious policy for addressing emissions and recognised that member states might wish to enhance the progress made to date. However, he cautioned against extending thet EU-ETS to include ships.
Lim said, “I am concerned that a final decision to extend the EU-ETS to shipping emissions would not only be premature but would seriously impact on the work of IMO to address GHG emissions from international shipping. Inclusion of emissions from ships in the EU-ETS significantly risks undermining efforts on a global level.”
The letter follows an agreement on 16 December 2016 by the European Parliament’s Environment Committee that emissions from ships should be included in the (EU-ETS) from 2023, if IMO does not deliver a further global measure to reduce GHG emissions for international shipping by 2021.
While IMO last October won backing to get a sulphur emissions cut in place, its efforts to get greenhouse gas emissions cut from shipping have proved extremely lengthy with progress frustrated by many key shipping nations.
It is no wonder then that member nations have been considering other ways to offset.
POLITICAL BLOCKERS - In Britain in 1865, the legislative response to the increasing introduction of self-propelled vehicles on our roads was the Locomotive Act (sometimes known as the Red Flag Act). Amongst a number of provisions, it stipulated that self-propelled vehicles needed to be proceeded with a man walking 60 yards ahead carrying a red flag to warn other road users of the vehicles approach. The objective of powerful stakeholders was to hinder progress to protect their investments in horses, carriages and trains.
The IMO appear to have been doing the same for years, in not acting in good time to prevent ocean pollution, climate change and acid oceans.
It is our experience that if you write a letter to Kitack Lim, you will not receive an answer. In our book that is a breach of trust and dereliction of duty, for which the offending official should be asked to stand down, or at the very least provide an explanation for his tardiness.
In our view the present situation amounting to closed shop secrecy, demands an official investigation.
We will be publishing letters to Mr Lim on this and other pages, to build up a compendium of failures to respond, that the nations comprising his employers might begin to question their choice of representative.
Naturally, we hope that this page yields positive results inasmuch as the IMO is able to show how effectively it is working and that our worst fears are groundless.
BLOCKERS TO ADVANCEMENT - Four of the G20, those with high incomes and expectations built on continuous growth and exploitation based on fossil fuels, could be behind the brake that smacks of the Locomotive Act of 1865. Can we expect that clean ships with zero carbon signatures will be forced to have a chap swim ahead of solar and wind powered vessels, carrying a red flag?
IMO Senior Management Committee (Left to right) - Mr. Sung-Jin Kim, Head, Internal Oversight and Ethics Office; Mr. Hiroyuki Yamada, Director, Marine Environment Division; Mr. Lawrence Barchue, Assistant Secretary-General/Director, Department for Member State Audit and Implementation Support; Mrs. Linda Ryan, Director, Administrative Division; Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization; Ms. Heike Deggim, Director, Maritime Safety Division; Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, Chief of Staff; Ms. Ariane Gireud, Acting Director, Conference Division; Mr. Frederick Kenney, Director, Legal Affairs and External Relations Division and Mr. Juvenal Shiundu, Acting Director, Technical Cooperation Division.
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